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    By Urniv Bosu

    No doubt and neither should be that our (Indian) Constitution is the longest written and most widely accepted constitution of the world and why not it will be as it has been written by hundreds of intellectuals together …but some topics have always been controversial from the day it has been signed yeah!one such issue is the reservations …many times some sanction of people fought against it and many times some group fought for having it … And rest is history we all know. I am not here to tell about how it started or how different groups fought to have it for so called overall improvement of their community , I am here to light up the issue that how this reservations have left a great impact on helth care and educational system of India nowadays Okay so when it was made it was must required for our country that time, as no doubt people were tortured,beaten and assaulted on the basis of their caste and creeds ..I will not say that discrimination has ended fully but it has been reduced to what it was almost 70 years before and there is no doubt for it ..but ever wondered the laws are same from the starting to till now.A general question,if people are changing …social discrimination is decreaseing..shouldn’t the laws be amended as per the requirement ? A huge question in my mind from the day I knew about it . If I talk about myself , I as being daughter of a defence personnel..have visited many places like rajasthan ,kolkata and maharashtra but the fact is I have never seen or heard about my any friends or neighbours or anyone that they are still being deprived of many things just because their lower caste..you may say that all the places I mentioned are developed …ya it may be …..I am from eastern Uttar Pradesh ,from a small town Ballia ,many of you have not even heard about it also ..but it exist and I visit my hometown almost every year…and trust me I have again not seen anyone hugely discriminating other for the sake of caste differences…all these facts I said because we have to realise people are really changing….so the laws should also be..right? Poverty, problems and issues doesn’t come to anyone by seeing his/her caste ….so why should reservations be?Can a person belonging to general category can’t be poor or deprived .Their are reservations for girls also in many fields…can a boy can’t be poor and deprived..can a person belonging to sc/st can’t be rich enough.I don’t know when I will get the answer of my questions but I will ask it until I am satisfied. Abhivyakti ki aazadi to mujhe bhi hai…..right! In my opinion there may be reservations on many fields but health care system and educational system should not have reservations . System should help someone economically so that he/she can have all the materials for study ,but is it a good idea that giving someone a college or an institution if she has secured low rank than the other buddy just only bcz he belongs to schedule caste /tribe or obc.Trust me it hurts when you don’t get a college or institute you deserve,but it hurts the most if a person less qualified than you and got low marks than you getting a college …think from a student point of view and you will realise how rediculous this is! Health never comes by seeing which section you belong, so why does reservations? LETS THINK ABOUT IT . There may be reservations on many field but in my opinion education and health are totally different aspects and some injustice has been taking place because of this so called reservations isn’t it ? At last I am not anyone to challenge this pure system , nor I am doing that ..just some questions whose answer I want and some problems whose solution I want with just a single hope in my heart for my country …equality is the key and will always be.