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    Mahatma Gandhi

    By Urniv Bosu

    Mahatma Gandhi, born on October 2, 1869, in Porbander, India, was a prominent Indian leader who led India in its fight for freedom from British control. He finished his education in India before moving to England to study law. He began assisting the people of India who had been humiliated and abused by British rule. To combat British oppression, Gandhi chose the path of non-violence. Campaigns | Gandhi was ridiculed several times, yet he persisted in his nonviolent campaign for India's independence. He was a renowned leader of the Indian independence movement who fought hard for India's freedom. After returning to India, he initiated independence campaigns such as non-cooperation, civil disobedience, and, subsequently, the Quit India Movement, all of which successfully contributed to India's independence. Struggle For Freedom | As a impactful freedom fighter, Gandhi was jailed and imprisoned several times, yet he persisted in battling against British tyranny for Indian justice. He was a firm believer in nonviolence and the solidarity of people of all faiths, which he upheld throughout his campaign for independence. After several struggles with many Indians, he and other freedom fighters were eventually successful in establishing India as an independent country on August 15, 1947. Later, he was assassinated by Nathuram Godse, a Hindu activist, on January 30' 1948.