Project information

  • Category: Internet of Things
  • Components used: TinkerCad, Arduino Uno, Ultrasonic Distance Sensor, LED, Resistor, Breadboard
  • Project date: 12 May, 2023
  • Project URL: Click here

Project details

This project consists an Arduino code that uses three ultrasonic sensors to detect the presence of objects or Vehicles in three different slots and displays the status on a 16x2 LCD display. It also turns on LEDs to indicate whether a slot is empty or filled. The sensors are connected to the Arduino board using three trigger pins and three echo pins. The readUltrasonicDistance function reads the distance from the sensor using the pulseIn() method. The code then calculates the distance for each sensor and sets the value of the bool variables based on whether a slot is empty or filled. The LCD display shows the status of the three slots based on the values of bool1, bool2, and bool3. If both slots are empty, it displays "Both slots empty". If one slot is filled, it displays "1 Slot filled" and the number of the empty slot. If all slots are filled, it displays "All Slots filled".